Saga Wendotte
Saga Wendotte
Saga Wendotte, Swedish artist. Born 1989, lives and works in Stockholm. In Saga Wendotte’s
imagery there are traces of a camera’s exact registration of a reality that we all recognise,
but there is also another layer, a different reality, more difficult to grasp. Saga Wendotte
seems to want to depict the moment just after something has happened, or the moment
just before something is about to happen. The answer to what this ”something” is, is in your
imagination. When you let yourself be pulled into the images, you help to create them.
The labour behind Saga Wendotte’s images is extensive. Each work consists of several
photographs, often shot in different locations around the world. The work also includes
getting the props, making the clothes, finding the models and creating montages from a
large number of source images. To get exactly the right facial expression, she might combine
several different photographs of the same child to make the final image. The physical
proportions are often somewhat distorted; their heads and eyes are bigger than in reality.
That is one of the components that creates the feeling that the motifs are both familiar and
strangely unfamiliar at the same time.
En film som visar Saga Wendottes arbete kan du se här
Carl Gustafsson
Carl Gustafsson
“Split visions”
23/3-9/5 2019
Split vision, sv. översättning : Delad syn
Associationer (mina): isär, skiktad, åtskilda el. överlappande fält, flytande fokus, lager, metafor, dubbelhet, paradox, undanglidande, signal, gåtfullhet, svårgripbar, diffus, oklar, löfte, hägring, fyrbåk.
Undertecknad hoppas att dessa associationer kan bidra till en delad syn mellan betraktare och konstnär.
Carl Gustafsson är född 1952 i Helsingborg och bor och arbetar på Österlen.
Studerade bl.a. på Grafikskolan Forum i Malmö och fortsatte med teckning på glyptoteket i Köpenhamn. Debuterade 1976 och därefter har det blivit drygt 60 soloutställningar.
Carl Gustafsson deltar under vernissagen.